FOLREC – Krzysztof Reszelski

In the following article you will learn everything about recuperation. If you are interested in this installation, you will also receive a recommendation from a company that deals with it professionally in Greater Poland, including: Poznań, Kalisz, Jarocin, Środa Wielkopolska, etc., but also throughout Poland.

Heat Recovery System – what is it?

Heat recovery system is an installation also known as mechanical ventilation. Nowadays, many people choose it. Why?

It helps maintain the appropriate temperature and air humidity in the house. All thanks to the recovery of heat from the heat that is exhausted outside the building. Thanks to it, the costs of heating your home can be significantly reduced, and in winter you can recover as much as 94% of the heat that is often lost in houses without heat recovery system.

Najlepsza rekuperacja w Wielkopolsce FOLREC nowoczesne rozwiązania energooszczędne
Rekuperacja Wielkopolska FOLREC Krzysztof Reszelski

What is the recuperator responsible for?

The heart of heat recovery system is a device called a recuperator. This system draws fresh air from outside the building and distributes it through ducts throughout the rooms. At the same time, it extracts the stale air and throws it outside.

Fresh air, through the heat exchanger in the recuperator, comes into contact (but does not mix) with the removed air, heating or cooling depending on the season.

What are the advantages of using heat recovery system?

  1. Replacing used air.
  2. Filtration of the supplied air.
  3. Savings on heating.
  4. Possibility to control the amount of air.
  5. Possibility to install a ground heat exchanger (gwc).
  6. Investment savings.

Heat Recovery System Poznań (Greater Poland Voivodeship) - which company to choose?

The topic of heat recovery system is becoming more and more popular in large cities. One of them is Poznań. This is a city where many people trust the FOLREC company, which has been on the market for over ten years, when it comes to heat recovery systems.

The opinion ranking in Google says unanimously - if you are looking for a company that you can entrust with the task of installing a heat recovery system in your home - choose them!

“We are a company that specializes in the design, installation and service of heat recovery systems. Thanks to our knowledge and experience, we can offer our clients the highest quality services in this area. We design ventilation systems in accordance with the needs of our clients, taking into account their individual requirements, applicable regulations and the characteristics of the building. Installation of heat recovery system is also one of our specializations. We make every effort to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with norms and standards, as well as customer expectations.”

Heat recovery systems Poznań, Kalisz, Jarocin

As we mentioned earlier, the company that installs heat recovery systems throughout Poland, i.e. in Poznań, Kalisz, Jarocin, etc., is FOLREC – modern energy-saving solutions.

This is a place where only professionals work, which is clearly described by positive reviews on Google, which you can read above.

CONTACT Folrec Heat Recovery Systems

Telefon: 533 393 357