FOLREC – Krzysztof Reszelski

You have a heat recovery system, but you have no idea how to clean it? We will help you with this!

Why should you clean the recuperator?

Let’s start slightly humorously. We want you to understand in more detail why cleaning the recuperator is so important.

We invite you to watch the short reel and then read the article below it.

Now you understand? Then let’s move on.

Heat recovery system service throughout Poland

If you are looking for a company that provides heat recovery services throughout Poland, you’ve come to the right place!

These and similar problems are professionally dealt with by the FOLREC company from Witaszyce. It is a small town near Jarocin (Greater Poland Voivodeship). Few people know that this place employs a whole group of specialists in their field. Also service technicians who will be happy to help residents from all over the country with the recuperation service.

If you need service for your heat recovery unit, call:

533 393 367

How to clean filters, air intakes and exhaust outlets in heat recovery system by yourself?

Also use the free guide on how to clean filters, intakes and outlets yourself. Click below to watch the video:

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